Aikas offtopiciksi tämä menee, muttamutta....Kunnon MX pyörässä ei ole koskaan jalkaa, että eiköhän ne ihan pystyssä katota siitä ruuvista. Ja se enskajalkahan on vasemmalla puolen ja ruuvi oikealla. samoin se kolmiojalka laitetaan vasemmalle.
Motocross Action, Maaliskuu 2002. sivu 130:
Never trust the check hole on your CRF450 transmission. Always force feed at least 600cc of oil or your wallet will suffer.........Don't use the transmission check hole to determine whether your CRF450 has enough oil in it. When oil comes out of the check hole you are still 200cc short of a full load.
Motocross Action, Maaliskuu 2002. sivu 131:
"Honda engineers incorporated a lower oil cavity for the clutch than for the gearbox. The idea, from a layman's point of view, is to bathe the clutch in oil while only dipping the gearbox's feet in it. Thus, the transmission gears are raised up onto an elevated platform in relationship to the clutch. There is no doubt that this is a performance-enchancing idea, because it keeps the spinning fears from having to slog through a giant pool of oil - and less drag equals more power. There are three small catch basins on the clutch side ot the CRF450 engine. These catch basins transfer oil from the clutch to the primary gears and then into the transmission cavity. The source of transfer is the paddle wheel effect of the clutch. When it spins, the oil is slung into the other cavities where it lubricates the gears and then spills back to the clutch basin through a transfer hole. As the engine runs, the oil in the clutch cavity is slung up to the transmisson basin and the process repeats itself.
It is possible for the transmission cavity to come up short on its oil allotment. How so? The CRF450's total oil capacity is 670cc at assebly and 590cc at draining (some oil stays in the gearbox). Since oil is added to the transmission through the filler cap on the clutch cover, the CRF engine only accept 400cc of oil before the oil runs out of the CRF's check hole, it will only have 400cc of oil in it instead of 590cc. Once the engine is started, the oil will be slung up to the tranny, but it will not be enough oil.
Suomeksi: Se heittää siis sitä ölppää kytkinpuolelta hieman ylempänä sijaitsevalle vaihdelaatikkotasolle, josta se taas valuu kytkinpuolelle (jossa tarkistusruuvi on). Jos kaikki öljyt on kytkinpuolella ja pinta on ruuvin kohdalla, siellä on 200cc liian vähän.
Tuossa lehdessä suositeltiin että laittaa mittalasiin 600cc öljyä ja kaataa sen sinne tai 670cc jos on halkaissut motin. Tuo on totta että sen saa aika kohdilleen jos käyttää 3min, sammuttaa ja odottaa 3min, tarkistaa ja lisää, mutta itse kyllä olen vaihtanut aina mittalasilla CRF:iin.