Niin se yleensä menee, että tilaaja hoitaa tullauksen, mutta MotoSportin sivut kertoo:
How will I know how much my order will cost?
Just add items to your basket and click on the checkout button. FiftyOne will calculate and display a guaranteed and lowest possible order total in your preferred currency, including all shipping costs from the U.S. to your selected international destination, as well as any applicable duties and taxes as determined by the destination customs and revenue authorities.
Are there any additional costs that will be due upon receipt of my order?
No. When you use the FiftyOne global checkout, you will be provided with a guaranteed order total in your preferred currency. The order total presented will be the exact amount that you will be billed. There will never be any additional costs billed upon delivery or due as C.O.D. charges.
Eli kovasti väittävät hinnan olevan lopullinen. Mielenkiintoinen tapaus, odotan Micromanin kokemuksia.
Edit: Mystinen FiftyOne on välikäsi, joka myy US-kauppiaalle veloitusohjelmiston ja hoitaa logistiikkaketjun itärannikolta aina asiakkaalle saakka. Siten tullauskin on mahdollinen, kun toimitus on kuriiriin verratava. Loistohomma, jos toimii niinkuin lupaavat. Paljonkohan ottavat välistä ja millaista vaihtokurssia käyttävät?
Tässä vielä palvelun pääkohdat asiakkaan näkökulmasta:
Global Logistics Services
Global logistics services remain a significant barrier to international sales for many U.S. online merchants. Hidden fees, unknown costs, and lengthy delivery times create substantial dissatisfaction for overseas shoppers. For merchants, balancing shipping costs and delivery times, collecting and paying duties and taxes, and managing legal and contractual export restrictions present formidable challenges.
FiftyOne eliminates these barriers and makes fulfillment to international customers as simple as shipping to New Jersey.
International shipping
* Merchant ships all international orders to the FiftyOne U.S. hub using existing U.S. carrier relationship
* FiftyOne manages landed cost calculations, customs clearance, end delivery, and international trade compliance
* Shipping with FiftyOne is a cost-effective solution that is typically faster than the postal service and more economical than a commercial carrier