This bike has been built from the ground up to be as light as possible. The frame has been stripped down, and I have added two center tubes to strengthen the whole bike. The seat has been remade with higher quality leather + some red leather to finish it off. The engine has seen many modifications, and it has also been built from the ground up - for maximum performance.
The modifications in the engine include:
- Totally reworked engine carters, including some chemical metal in strategic places.
- Stage6 Sport Pro cylinder + piston, both tuned, exhaust side polished
- Stage6 Pro exhaust with some small modifications such as bigger flange
- HPI 2006 inner rotor ignition + high voltage coil
- SKF ball bearings in crank, silver bearing in piston
- Malossi Multivar, tuned roller slides, 4.15g rollers
- Stage6 CNC drive face
- Malossi X-Kevlar high performance belt
- Stage6 Torque Control clutch + red racing springs
- Stage6 WingCooler clutch bell
- Malossi Torque Drive + Torsion Control + violet Malossi contra spring
- Original short gearing
- Stage6 Intake System with custom made CNC milled shortening adapter
- Dell\'orto 22mm PHBL with drag racing bell mouth
- Pipercross high performance air filter
- NGK Iridium sparkplug